50 Careers in Trees

A compendium of information and inspiration assembled with love for present and future stewards of our urban forests.

A breeze rustles through the leaves of newly planted saplings in a small grove surrounded by broken pavement and concrete buildings once littered with graffiti. In years to come, the trees will be a source of shade and beauty where children can play and families can gather beneath the green canopy deep within the inner city. The city landscape, once bustling with the activities of progress, commerce and convenient living, has taken a new course.

A definite greening in the concrete jungle is taking hold. Tree planting projects, led by volunteers and dedicated professionals, are successfully bringing nature to the city and reuniting urban dwellers with the natural world around them. The urban forest is helping to cool and clean the air, providing shade and beauty for residents, improving property values and providing shelter for an array of wildlife.

Unlike the wildland forest that stretches uninterrupted by human activity for miles on end, the urban forest thrives around crowded highways, business complexes and convenience stores from a single tree planted in the corner of a parking lot to the thick woods of a city park. The emerging trend toward the growth and care of urban forests is opening new doors of opportunity to fulfilling careers for city dwellers who love nature and want to play a role in preserving the delicate environment.

As more and more people are drawn into the urban environment, the need to reconnect with nature is becoming more acute and activities surrounding the urban forest are likely to expand. Positions within urban forestry encompass a broad spectrum offering opportunities for people of all interests, backgrounds, education and experience levels. The vast network of professions includes tree trimmers, secretaries, nursery managers, retailers and scientists.

Urban Forestry, as defined by the Society of American Foresters, has at its root the function of contributing to the "physiological, sociological and economic well-being of urban society." Tree planting and tending nurtures not only the urban environment but the human spirit, and today, urban forestry is being used to help heal many social wounds including racial conflict, juvenile crime and urban blight.

Those embarking on new careers in the diverse fields of urban forestry may be assured that their work can help sustain and improve not only themselves, but the environment and communities we live in.

  1. Accountant
  2. Appraiser
  3. Arborist
  4. Botanical Farmer
  5. Broker
  6. Christmas Tree Farmer
  7. Community Educator
  8. Community Project Manager
  9. Cooperative Extension Specialist
  10. Ecologist
  11. Elementary School Teacher
  12. Executive Director
  13. Forest Pathologist
  14. Forester
  15. Fund Raiser or Resource Developer
  16. GIS Professional
  17. Grant Administrator
  18. Grant Writer
  19. Groundskeeper
  20. High School Teacher
  21. Landscape Architect
  22. Landscape Contractor
  23. Landscape Designer or Garden Consultant
  24. Lawyer
  25. Legislator
  26. Lumber Miller
  27. Lunber Harvester
  28. Nature Photographer
  29. Nursery Owner or Manager
  30. Park Planner
  31. Park Supervisor
  32. Professor
  33. Researcher
  34. Salesperson
  35. Silverculturist
  36. Social Forester
  37. Soil Scientist
  38. Special Forest Products Entreprenuer
  39. Transportation Engineer
  40. Tree Inventory Technician
  41. Tree Rentals
  42. Tree Service
  43. Tree Technician
  44. Urban Forester
  45. Urban Planner
  46. Utility Arborist or Forester
  47. Volunteer
  48. Wildland Fire Manager
  49. Wildland Restoration
  50. Writer
    CareersShannon LaBare